From all the research I've done on compound providers it seems all of them are on a subscription program. Give them your charge card number and they'll automatically charge your card and send your product. The problem comes when you attempt to cancel. I've read about so many problems in attempts to cancel, the time it takes to cancel, and regardless of attempts to cancel nothing is've been charged again.
Both your credit card company and PayPal tell you that you need to deal with the company and they are the ones who are required to put a request into the card company or PayPal to stop the automatic subscription payment. This is the problem.
Is there any reputable company making tirzepatide compound not on a subscription program?
You know, Fifty.410 has an interesting thing going. Full disclosure, I do both Orderly and Emerge for myself and daughter and love them. BUT, I went through Fifty.410 because they use Hallendale and have these interesting 3month or 12 week offerings.mWith Hallendale’s long BUD, I thought it would be good, as I am stashing. I had the little phone call, but it came out to more than I wanted to pay per MG, so didn’t do it. But, I think it’s workable and…. Hallendale!